Official Number - 542692
Call Sign - WDD7777
IMO Number - 7325214
COI Renewal Date - September 23, 2023
Construction & Port
Built - 1972 By Main Iron Works, Houma, Louisiana
Repowered - 2015 By Feeney Enterprises, Kingston, NY
Hailing Port - Norfolk, VA
Powered By
Main Engine - (2) Cummins, QSK-38 M1 Tier III, 2600 HP
Generators - (2) John Deere, 65KW Tier III
Gears - Lufkin RLS4200HG, Ratio 6:1
Wheels - 104” x 84"" 5 Blade
Towing Gear - Almon-Johnson 59582-A1-OMP-010181782
Gross Tons - 186 Tons
Vessel Length - 105 ft.
Vessel Width - 26.8 ft.
Vessel Depth - 13.5 ft.
Bollard Pull - 33 TBP
Height of the Eye - 45 ft.
Accommodations - 4 Rooms, 7 Bunks, 2 Heads
Fuel - 41,165 gallons
Lube Oil - 638 gallons
Slop Oil - 563 gallons
Water - 4,000 gallons
Grey Water - 1,300 gallons